CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Navigation & Interaction (Papers)

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM


Move to Improve: Promoting Physical Navigation to Increase User Performance with Large Displays

Robert Ball
Chris North
Doug A. Bowman

We contribute a greater understanding of user preference for, and performance with, physical and virtual navigation in visualizations. Readers learn how to afford increased physical navigation, leading to improved performance.


Copy-and-Paste Between Overlapping Windows

Olivier Chapuis
Nicolas Roussel

Presents a study comparing four copy-and-paste techniques under four window management conditions. Introduces two new window management techniques that significantly reduce the time to copy text between partially overlapping windows.


Consistency, Multiple Monitors, and Multiple Windows

Dugald Hutchings
John Stasko

Lab study showing reduced navigation time for interacting with dialog boxes on multiple monitors when using the mudibo prototype. Illuminates broader problems with the concept of “consistency” for multiple-monitor interfaces.


How Groups Interact Over a Multimodal Digital Table

Edward Tse
Chia Shen
Saul Greenberg
Clifton Forlines

This paper presents the first observations of how pairs of people communicated and interacted in a multimodal digital table environment, contributes to the understanding of multi-user multimodal digital table interaction.