CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Mobile Interaction (Papers)

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM


Questions Not Answers: A Novel Mobile Search Technique

Matt Jones
George Buchanan
Richard Harper
Pierre-Louis Xech

Presents a novel perspective on the mobile search problem using low-cost, incidental information. Demonstrates how other people's queries can provide users with insights into the locations they encounter.


Tactile feedback for mobile interactions

Stephen Brewster
Faraz Chohan
Lorna Brown

Presents two studies (one static, one mobile) investigating the use of tactile feedback for enhancing touch-screen buttons. Improves performance and reduces workload, even when users are mobile.


Revisiting and Validating a Model of Two-Thumb Text Entry

Edward Clarkson
Kent Lyons
James Clawson
Thad Starner

This work contributes a comparison of a model of two-thumb text entry with empirical data, modifies it to account for observed behavior, and validates the revised model.


"Jump and Refine" for Rapid Pointing on Mobile Phones

Martin Hachet
Joachim Pouderoux
Florence Tyndiuk

The technique we propose improves the user performance for pointing tasks on mobile phones when no pointing device is available. It favors the development of new mobile applications (eg. 3D)