CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Who Killed Design?: Addressing Design Through an Interdisciplinary Investigation (Interactive Session)

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM


Scott Pobiner
Anijo Mathew

Bill Moggridge, IDEO, USA
Bill Buxton, Microsoft Research, USA
Terry Winograd, Stanford University, USA
Meg Armstrong, Parsons The New School for Design, USA

This interactive session brings together significant voices from a variety of 'design-engaged' disciplines to lead a discussion about the oft-used, but seldom agreed upon notion of 'Design'. The primary goal of this session is to address 'Design' from a much wider variety of perspectives than could occur within any singular discipline. In doing so, the session intends to re-visit [the definitions of] "Design", "Designer", and "Designed".

This session is intended to be truly "interactive" and will rely on active discussion from the audience as well as panelists. In an effort to jump-start the discussion and to facilitate what is likely to be a very broad range of perspectives the organizers have set-up a Wiki, which all are encouraged to participate in editing.