CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Empirical Studies of Web Interaction (Papers)

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM


An Exploration of Web-based Monitoring: Implications for Design

Melanie Kellar
Carolyn Watters
Kori Inkpen

Examines web-based monitoring in the context of web infromation tasks. Provides both general and task specific implications for the design of future monitoring tools.


Investigating Attractiveness in Web User Interfaces

Jan Hartmann
Alistair Sutcliffe
Antonella De Angeli

Introducing a theoretical framework for assessing the attractiveness of websites, influence of context and user-background on experience with websites is analysed in an empirical study. Implications for UI-design are discussed.


The relationship between accessibility and usability of websites

Helen Petrie
Omar Kheir

Possible relationships between accessibility and usability and the importance of the ratings of user problems are addressed. A study with blind and sighted participants is presented to address these issues.