CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Kids & Family (Papers)

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM


Grow and Know: Understanding Record-Keeping Needs for the Development of Young Children

Julie A. Kientz
Rosa I. Arriaga
Marshini Chetty
Gillian R. Hayes
Jahmeilah Richardson
Shwetak N. Patel
Gregory D. Abowd

Describes a qualitative study exploring record-keeping for young children to help detect developmental delay. Confirms assumptions about rationales and functions for design. Identifies unique themes, potential prototypes, and design guidelines.


Sharing Motion Information with Close Family and Friends

Frank Bentley
Crysta Metcalf

Describes how people in close relationships can infer rich contextual information from an ambiguous source with minimal privacy concerns. Benefits those creating mobile context-aware applications.


Comicboarding: Using Comics as Proxies for Participatory Design with Children

Neema Moraveji
Jason Li
Jiarong Ding
Suze Woolf
Patrick O'Kelley

Introduces a participatory design method for use with children that scaffolds the idea generation process by using comics. Describes the theory and utility of applying comics to design.