9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Jeffrey Nichols
Duen Horng Chau
Brad A. Myers
Presents the first user study showing that automatically generated user interfaces can improve usability by moving interfaces to different platforms and providing personal consistency for each user.
Michael Wittkämper
Irma Lindt
Wolfgang Broll
Jan Ohlenburg
Jan Herling
Sabiha Ghellal
Augmented video streams present information in the spatial context of a physical environment. In contrast to Augmented Reality, they do not require special equipment, they are scalable to support many users and their usage is location-independent. In this paper we are exploring the potentials of augmented video streams for remote participation. We present our design considerations for the remote participation user interfaces, describe briefly the realization and explain the design of three different application scenarios: spectating a pervasive game, observing the quality of a production process and exploring interactive science exhibits. The paper also discusses our findings on how a good augmented video stream quality can be achieved and which information and control possibilities are required to achieve a viable remote participation interface.
Jun Xiao
John Stasko
Richard Catrambone
Shows that allowing users to customize ECA interfaces leads to significant improvement in subjective impressions of the ECAs and objective task performance, thus enabling more effective and affective ECA applications.