CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Programming By & With End-Users (Papers)

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM


Making Mashups with Marmite: Re-purposing

Jeffrey Wong
Jason I. Hong

Describes a design for an end-user programming system that allows users to create mashups out of web services and data found on the web without doing any programming.


Interaction design of VIO: a learning agent that automates procedural tasks

John Zimmerman
Anthony Tomasic

This paper contributes a novel human-agent interaction design that allows agents with little training to reduce task completion time. It benefits society by reducing mundane office work.


Storytelling Alice Motivates Middle School Girls to Learn Computer Programming

Caitlin Kelleher
Randy Pausch
Sara Kiesler

In a study comparing middle school girlsÂ’ experiences using Storytelling Alice and Generic Alice, we found that both systems are equally educational but Storytelling Alice is more motivating.