CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Management (Experience Reports)

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM


The Internal Consultancy Model for Strategic UXD Relevance

James Nieters
Subbarao Ivaturi
Garett Dworman

Experts in the field of HCI have spoken at length about how to increase the strategic influence of User Experience Design (UXD) teams in industry. Some have offered courses in HCI management. Others have presented recommendations on how to prove a return on investment for usability-related activities. Nielsen has described the usability maturity model, presenting implicit management challenges and structures at different phases. Few though have discussed the value and process for an embedded UXD Group functioning as an internal consultancy to different product teams within their organizations, and how this model can increase the strategic relevance of UXD in their companies. The Cisco UXD Group evolved through several funding and organizational models (central funding, client-funding, distributed teams), and now follows an internal consultancy model. This paper describes the experiences that led to this model and how it has helped increase the strategic influence of UXD within Cisco.


Fasttracking Product Innovation

Daniela Busse

This paper describes the coming-of-age of an analytical application that was built using agile development processes, tightly interlinked with an iterative user experience methodology, but at times at odds with the legacy of more rigid development methods such as prescriptive pattern-based design and strictly separated core disciplines. We pioneered a variety of ways to deal with these challenges, most of which focused on empowering the User Experience discipline in decision-making processes, development impact, and in leading the product definition overall. This ensured that innovative forces were least constrained while fast-tracking this product, while still achieving effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of the application’s user experience, as evidenced in a series of usability evaluations.


User-Centered Design Gymkhana

Muriel Garreta Domingo
Magí Almirall Hill
Enric Mor

The User-centered design (UCD) Gymkhana is a tool for human-computer interaction practitioners to demonstrate through a game the key user-centered design methods and how they interrelate in the design process. The target audiences are other organizational departments unfamiliar with UCD but whose work is related to the definition, creation, and update of a product or service.