CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Video (Papers)

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM


Consuming Video on Mobile Devices

Kenton O'Hara
April Slayden Mitchell
Alex Vorbau

The paper presents a user study of everyday practices with mobile video devices, identifying underlying social motivations and values. Implications for adoption and design of mobile video technologies are discussed.


Effects of Audio and Visual Surrogates for Making Sense of Digital Video

Gary Marchionini
Yaxiao Song

This paper provides strong evidence that combined visual-audio surrogates are effective, are strongly preferred, and do not penalize efficiency; and that audio surrogates are better than visual surrogates alone.


Watching Together: Integrating Text Chat with Video

Justin D. Weisz
Sara Kiesler
Hui Zhang
Yuqing Ren
Robert E. Kraut
Joseph A. Konstan

Investigates the shared experience of live streaming video online with chat. Demonstrates that chat is distracting but does not impede the user experience and improves social relationships.