CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Tags, Tagging & Notetaking (Papers)

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM


Why We Tag: Motivations for Annotation in Mobile and Online Media

Morgan Ames
Mor Naaman

Provides a taxonomy of motivations for tagging photographs, using photo-sharing site Flickr and prototype cameraphone application ZoneTag. Gives designers and researchers methods for encouraging annotation in tagging and image applications.


Selection-Based Note-Taking Applications

Aaron Bauer
Kenneth Koedinger

Presents a study comparing the note-taking behaviors and learning outcomes of four different note-taking applications. Describes implications for the design of selection-based note-taking applications.


Mobile Interaction with Visual and RFID Tags - A Field Study on User Perceptions

Kaj Mäkelä
Sara Belt
Dan Greenblatt
Jonna Häkkilä

Our field study of 50 users charts existing user perceptions on mobile interaction with RFID and visual tags, and reveals potential usability risks related to them.


Getting our head in the clouds: Toward evaluation studies of tagclouds

A. Walkyria Rivadeneira
Daniel M. Gruen
Michael J. Muller
David R. Millen

Two studies explore impact of tagclouds' textual and positional attributes on task effectiveness, leading toward a paradigm for tagcloud evaluation. Can help researchers and designers to improve social software displays.