2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Kyle Johnsen
Andrew Raij
Robert Dickerson
Benjamin Lok
Scott Lind
Rebecca Pauly
Margaret Duerson
Amy Stevens
We add critical validation results using life-size interactive virtual humans for interaction skills education. Readers gain insight into virtual humans, how they can be validated, and the benefits of validation.
Ryan Baker
Presents a machine-learned model and motivational profile of off-task behavior in an intelligent tutoring system. Can be used to drive adaptation to off-task behavior, and to inform design.
Elizabeth Gerber
This paper explores the application of the principles and techniques of improvisation to the practice of design, demonstrating potential successful outcomes at the individual and group level in design.
Piotr Adamczyk
Michael Twidale
Suggests reasons for the poor rate of adoption of existing collaborative support tools and outline specific suggestions for directions in both ethnographic studies of multidisciplinary collaboration and collaborative systems design.