CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Mobile Kits & Stuff (Papers)

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM


iStuff Mobile: Rapidly Prototyping New Mobile Phone Interfaces for Ubiquitous Computing

Rafael Ballagas
Faraz Memon
René Reiners
Jan Borchers

Introduces the first toolkit for rapid prototyping of sensor-based interfaces for existing mobile phones. Provides a low threshold and high ceiling for prototyping, as demonstrated through examples and an evaluation.


Appropriating a Mobile Messaging System: Analyzing an Uptake of a MMS-Based Comic Strip Creator

Antti Salovaara

Analyses users' appropriation processes in a field trial of a mobile comic strip creator. Suggests resources as an analytical concept to understand how to design system functionalities to support appropriation.


Mobile Kits and Laptop Trays: Managing Multiple Devices in Mobile Information Work

Antti Oulasvirta
Lauri Sumari

Reports that mobile workers migrate work across devices and describes the involved problems and strategies. Can help understand how more flexible management of multiple devices can be supported.