CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Input Techniques (Papers)

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM


Bubbling Menus: A Selective Mechanism for Accessing Hierarchical Drop-Down Menus

Theophanis Tsandilas
m. c. schraefel

Introduces a new technique for accelerating selection in customized views of hierarchical pull-down menus. The new technique is evaluated by two user studies.


Command Line or Pretty Lines? Comparing Textual and Visual Interfaces for Intrusion Detection

Ramona Thompson
Esa Rantanen
William Yurcik
Brian Bailey

Conducted a comparative user study of textual and visual interfaces for intrusion detection. Provides insight about strengths and weaknesses of interfaces and guidelines for the design of future interfaces.


Pointing and Beyond: an Operationalization and Evaluation of Multi-scale Searching

Emmanuel Pietriga
Caroline Appert
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

Defines an operationalization of a multi-scale search task. Evaluates four multi-scale navigation techniques on this task and reports results showing that overview+detail outperforms the other techniques.