CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Ethnography (Experience Reports)

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM


How Informances can be used in design ethnography

Ron Wakkary
Poon Madison
Maestri Leah
Kirton Travis
Julihn Corey
Betts Ryan

In this paper we discuss how we’ve adapted the technique of informance design for use in design ethnography. We detail our design ethnography workflow method and describe our informances.


Surrogate Users-A Pragmatic Approach to Defining User Needs

Matthew A Lievesley
Joyce S R Yee

It is often difficult for practising interaction designers to engage with real end-users because of the competing economic pressures on projects. Preliminary research with end-users (a particularly rich source of information) may be squeezed in favour of more tangible, later-stage project deliverables. This case-study paper presents a pragmatic approach to getting closer to end-users by briefing project stakeholders to think as surrogate-users within managed 90 to 120 minute-long focus groups. It concludes with an evaluation of the approach in terms of the experiences of the research participants and its merits in terms of project delivery and outcomes. It finds that the method described is particularly useful in multi-stakeholder projects and provides a rich design brief with clear, agreed, user-centred design goals.


In-between Theory and Practice: Dialogues in Design Research

Arianna Bassoli
Karen Martin
Johanna Brewer

Why Wait? and Betwixt are two of the workshops we have recently run on the theme of in-between-ness. The approach of social computing, where researchers with different background collaborate to understand how the socio-cultural aspects of human life relate to the design of new technologies, was the starting point for our investigation. By observing actual instances of in-between-ness in context we explored how design activities can be interpreted as an opportunity to discuss and take positions on a specific theme, and as a space for resolving the tension existing in design research between theoretical and practical thinking.