CHI 2007 Advance Program: Session Details

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Mobile Interaction Techniques I (Papers)

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM


Direct-Touch vs. Mouse Input for Tabletop Displays

Clifton Forlines
Chia Shen
Daniel Wigdor
Ravin Balakrishnan

Presents empirical data investigating differences between direct-touch and mouse input for unimanual and bimanual tasks on tabletop displays. Results can help guide the design of tabletop interfaces.


Shift: a technique for operating pen-based interfaces using touch

Daniel Vogel
Patrick Baudisch

Describes a technique for operating pen-based devices using touch by preventing targets from getting occluded by the user’s finger. User study finds performance benefits over existing offset cursor technique.


An Alternative to Push, Press, and Tap-tap-tap: Gesturing on an Isometric Joystick for Mobile Phone Text Entry

Jacob O. Wobbrock
Duen Horng Chau
Brad A. Myers

Presents a novel input strategy involving the use of isometric joysticks on mobile phones. Describes a gestural text entry method competitive with Multitap and T9 but preferred by users.