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Student Research Competition FAQ

What's the difference between the Student Research Competition and the Works-in-Progress submission category? Can I submit the same work to both?

The Student Research Competition is open only to students, and is intended for research which has presentable results, not work in progress. Submitting to SRC gives you the opportunity not only to present a poster, but also a travel grant for CHI, and possibly the chance to give a talk or win cash prizes.

No, you shouldn't submit the same work to both tracks.

What's the difference between the Student Research Competition and the Student Design Competition? Can I compete in both?

The Design Competition has a predefined problem area, and encourages interdisciplinary teams of students to apply. The Research Competition has no predefined problem - any research topic of interest to CHI may be entered - and only individual research may be submitted.

Yes, you can compete in both competitions.

What's the difference between the Student Research Competition and the Doctoral Consortium? Can I submit the same work to both?

The Student Research Competition is intended as a contest of research quality and presentation quality for work that already has some presentable results. SRC submissions need not be on the scale of a doctoral thesis, and the contest is open to undergraduates and masters students as well as doctoral students.

The Doctoral Consortium is more formative in nature, giving doctoral students constructive feedback about a much larger work in progress, while they still have the opportunity to use the feedback.

Yes, you can submit to both the Student Research Competition and the Doctoral Consortium, but your submissions should reflect the differing goals of the two programs.

Can I submit work that has already been accepted as a CHI Paper or Note this year, or if it was previously published as a paper elsewhere?

No. Submissions to the Student Research Competition should be original work that is neither in submission nor already published in CHI or another conference or journal. Acceptance to the SRC does not block future publication of the work as a CHI Paper or CHI Note, however.