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Michael Muller, IBM Research
Kumiyo Nakakoji, University of Tokyo/SRA-KTL Inc., Japan

Message from Michael and Kumiyo

Kumiyo Nakakoji Michael Muller

We are seeking experienced people in the CHI community to give back to the community by mentoring. Mentors can help more junior people or experienced people who are unfamiliar with the CHI conference. Among other things, mentors can help mentees choose the most appropriate submission category for work, suggest relevant literature, suggest improvements in study design, and give advice on the focus and structure of the work as presented. Typically, you might expect to spend 3-7 hours. While there is some time commitment expected, serving as a mentor can also give you a new perspective on the submissions process and help you discover potential colleagues from around the world. Mentoring ultimately increases the scope and quality of the entire CHI community.

Call for Mentors

The CHI conference series welcomes work from new members. We attempt to assist first-time CHI authors by offering a mentor to help them prepare their submission. To date, we have received 40 requests for mentors.

We invite experienced CHI authors to volunteer to mentor. In past years, mentoring has involved one or more email exchanges with authors. In some cases, mentors have helped authors determine whether CHI is the right conference for their work. In other cases, mentors have provided comments on research plans, and occasionally on drafts of submissions.

If you would like to serve the CHI community in this way, please send an email to Please tell us the topics you would be interested in mentoring. Please also give us a very brief description of your CHI authoring experiences (e.g., "3 long papers, 2 demos, 4 posters").

Topics from our current set of requests-for-mentoring include the following: design, privacy, ethnography, wireless, voice-UI, games, ambience, awareness, methodology, virtual and physical, navigation, search... We seek mentors for any CHI topic, because we anticipate further requests.

Thank you,
Kumiyo Nakakoji and Michael Muller, CHI 2007 mentoring co-chairs

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