Management Community
Scott Berkun, Scott Berkun Consulting
Jeremy Ashley, Oracle, USA
Message from Scott and Jeremy

The most frequently overlooked consideration in successful design is how to successfully partner, convince and build support with those in power who may know nothing about what designers or HCI practioners do. And as HCI has taken hold in some businesses, there are now many former designers and usability engineers in management roles, standing alone in leading their discipline for their entire organization.
Our goal is to bring to CHI 2007 discussion, shared tactics and lessons learned from regarding both managing HCI folks as well as working for, with, and around general managers of all kinds.
We're open to new voices, or new ways to express the unique kinds of knowledge managers have, as well as potent tales of general management lessons relevant to those working or studying HCI.
We have three areas of focus:
- Provide settings for HCI managers to share knowledge, make connections, and invent or spread gossip.
- Identify and advise on common situations managers face, or others face when dealing with managers, that will be of use to others.
- Build knowledge for connecting HCI to business, including tactics for evangalism, ROI, effectiveness, and case studies.
We expect that there will be many links with other activities at CHI, and welcome them. We encourage multi-community proposals that look at management in the context of design, education, engineering, research, or usability.
Contact us:
Types of Submissions
- Interactive Sessions
- Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
- Experience Reports
- Papers
- Notes
- Work-in-Progress
- Workshops
- Courses
Review Process and Criteria
The most fundamental review criteria will be whether the submission will help managers in their mission to manage around HCI. The help might be in the form of new ideas, or integration and comparison of ideas, or in what works/does not work based on experience or experiments. The individual submission categories have additional review criteria (which you can find in the description of each category).
All "Research for the archive" submissions are reviewed to the standards of the most prestigious peer-reviewed journals, by criteria appropriate to human-computer interaction and appropriate to the academic traditions of the management community.
Preparing your Submission
Please see the pages on Interactive Sessions, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), and Experience reports for details about what information is needed for each submission category.
Submissions will use the Conference Extended Abstracts Publication Format.
Submissions for Interactive Sessions and novel formats are to be sent to no later than October 2007, 5:00 PM (1700 GMT) PDT.
Submissions to Experience Reports are to be uploaded to the CHI 2007 submission website by the same deadline. SIG proposals should be sent to by 13 January 2007, 5:00 PM (1700 GMT) PST.
Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
Upon Acceptance
You will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of your submission in late December 2006. Accepted submissions will be published in the conference Extended Abstracts. The contact person will receive instructions for preparing the final version of the extended abstract and other information about presentation logistics.
Management Community Submission Checklist
- Read all the above material and the Call for Participation section for the particular category you are submitting to (Panels, SIGs, or Experience Reports).
- If you are submitting something in a novel presentation format, contact the Management Chairs (at ) well before the deadline.
- Prepare a submission in the format required by your submission category using the Conference Extended Abstracts Format.
- Create a PDF file of your submission and test that your PDF file prints correctly.
- E-mail your Interactive Sessions or novel submission to no later than October 2007, 5:00 PM.
- Submit your Experience Report to the CHI 2007 submission web site under the appropriately named venue no later than October 2007, 5:00 PM.
- Email your SIG proposal to no later than 13 January 2007, 5:00 PM.