Catalina Danis, IBM Research
Scott McCrickard, Virginia Tech
Message from Catalina and Scott, WIP Co-Chairs

Preparing your Poster for Presentation
We'd like to encourage you to prepare an attractive poster for presentation at the conference. Making it easy to read and visually appealing is important for attracting an audience and giving them a positive experience. This should increase the chances that you will get lots of folks talking to you about your work, which is after all the point of the venue!
This year there is an added motivation for getting your poster noticed by the audience: There will be a People's Choice award for the top 10 posters presented over the two days. Attendees will have an opportunity to vote for their top 3 posters each day during the "Spotlight on Work-in-Progress" sessions during the morning break and the top ten vote getters will be designated People's Choice winners. The winning posters will be presented again during the Thursday spotlight session.
The poster presentations are split over two days, with posters #61-104 presented on Tuesday and posters # 105-156 presented on Wednesday. Presenters can put up their posters between 8:00 am and 10:30 am and can take them down between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm on Tuesday and between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm on Wednesday. Presenters are expected to be at their posters during the "Special highlight on WiP posters" session on their assigned day that will take place during the 10:30 am - 11:30 am break. See the conference program to find out when your poster has been assigned for presentation.
People's Choice winners will be notified on Wednesday evening and they will be asked to re-display their posters during the Thursday 10:30 am - 11:30 am break (install 8:00 am - 10:30 am; remove by 4:30 pm).
You can get some help in preparing your poster by consulting some selected posters at the UIST site:r These have been annotated with the reasons they are considered good exemplars. Your poster must fit within a 4 foot wide X 8 foot tall area. Good luck!
The aim of the Work-in-Progress Posters venue is to showcase work that is underway but still in the early stages when it is in a state to be influenced by informal discussion with colleagues. Accepted submissions will be presented to the CHI community at the conference through a poster presented at a special evening session. In addition, the 6 page submission will be published in the electronic Conference Extended Abstracts. This is considered a non-archival publication and the work can be published later in another form in venues requiring original work. Contact us:
Work-in-Progress submissions provide an opportunity for both practitioners and researchers to present a concise report of new findings or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work relevant to the HCI community. The difference from other venues(e.g., papers, notes) is that the work submitted to the Work-in-Progress venue belongs to a work stream that has not yet been completed. Appropriate submissions include, but are not limited to, the first experiment in a planned series of experiments, a description of a novel, newly designed UI element which has yet to be evaluated, or pilot data for a planned comprehensive field study. Such work will make a contribution to the the body of HCI knowledge, though it will necessarily be of a preliminary nature.
Like Interactive Posters of the past, the focus of Work-in-Progress is on the discussion between the author and attendees that will be engendered by the visual presentation of the work. The accepted work will also be published in the electronic CHI 2007 Extended Abstracts, which is a non-archival publication and thus the work will be eligible for subsequent publication as original work.
This submission category aims to attract attention from a broad range of disciplines covering a spectrum of topics and methodologies. The following topics are especially encouraged: multidisciplinary work, social impact of technology, design research, human-centered design and innovation, and cross-cultural design. We encourage submissions from all of CHI's communities: design, education, engineering, management, research, and usability.
Examples of appropriate submissions
Submissions to this track can include, but are not limited to, the following types of work:
- Evaluation of systems, techniques and other phenomenon relevant to HCI - this can include either experimental or other types of evaluation.
- Reflections from Practice - lessons learned, broad conclusions, or principles derived from practice, backed by thought-provoking and well-substantiated analyses.
- Design Briefings - accounts of the design (rationale, process, outcomes and/or evaluation) of an innovative application, user interface, or system.
- Methodologies and Tools - new methods, processes, techniques, and tools for use in interactive system design and development.
Review Process and Criteria
Review Criteria
Each submission will be reviewed based on the originality of the work, the quality of the written presentation and its contribution to the field of HCI. The submission's suitability for presentation as a poster will be considered as well.
- Contribution and Benefit. A Work-in-Progress submission should make a contribution to either research or practice in the field of HCI. Due to the brevity of the format, submissions making one significant contribution are more likely to be accepted than those making several lesser contributions.
- Originality and Innovation. The submission should make an original contribution to the field of HCI. It should show both how it builds on previous contributions, and how, where, and why it goes beyond current knowledge or practices.
- Clarity. The submission must be clearly and concisely written in international English, with appropriate use of tables and figures.
- Stage of Development. The submitted work should be a completed portion of a larger, in-progress stream of work.
Preparing your Submission
Work-in-Progress submissions consist of a 6 page paper in the Conference Extended Abstracts Publication Format. Given the short time frame between the submission deadline and the printing of conference materials, the version submitted for review will be the final camera ready version. Therefore, the submission must include author names and other identifying information.
Accepted submissions will be presented in poster format at the conference. The poster should not be submitted for the review process but brought to the conference.
The six-page submission should include:
- a concise description of the idea
- if appropriate, the completed analytical exploration or experimental assessment of your work
- potential implications of the work to the field of HCI
- recommendations for further investigation and incorporation into practice
If your submission includes statistical analysis, then we recommend that you refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association in case of questions or doubts about how to accurately report the results of your work.
Full literature searches are not expected, although relevant citations should be included. Summaries of completed work or reduced versions of longer papers are unsuitable Work-in-Progress submissions.
The paper, as submitted for review, will be regarded as the final publication-ready version of your submission. Therefore, the paper submission must be clearly written, carefully proofread, and correctly formatted. Please note the following points:
- Your submission must be original work. It cannot have been published elsewhere, nor can it be under concurrent review for publication by another conference or journal.
- Your submission must conform to the Conference Extended Abstracts Publication Format in PDF format. It must be no longer than six pages, including references, appendices, and figures.
- Your submission must be 4 megabytes or smaller in size.
- Your submission must be in English and target an international audience.
- Submissions may not contain information or materials that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication, nor can it cite publications that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication.
- Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
- Your PDF file must be named lastname_wip.pdf, where lastname is the family name of the primary contact person.
Note that the process of producing a PDF file can sometimes cause changes in the length of the contribution. Authors are advised to generate and check PDFs of their submissions to verify that their final submission stays within the length (6 pages) and file size (4 megabytes) limits of the Work-in-Progress submission category. Submissions in excess of these limits will not be reviewed.
Your complete 6-page paper must be submitted as a PDF no later than 12 January 2007, 5:00 PM (1700) PST at the CHI 2007 Submission web site.
Publication Status
The Work-in-Progress venue is not an archival publication that constrains future submissions. Your Work-in-Progress Poster is not considered to be a prior publication of the work for the purposes of a future CHI Paper or CHI Note or for a journal publication.
Upon Acceptance
You will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of your submission by 9 February 2007. If a submission is accepted, the contact person will receive instructions for submitting their final camera paper for inclusion in the Extended Abstracts.
You will also need to prepare your poster for presentation at CHI 2007. The poster is expected to follow the International Standards Organization (ISO) poster size format (A0) in portrait orientation. The dimensions for A0 format are 84cm x 119cm, or approximately 33" x 47". You may use up to two posters. In the past, the inclusion of a packet of the author's business cards or an envelope of fliers attached to the poster with a short paper to elaborate on poster content has proved an effective way to communicate with interested people when you are not at your poster.
Please note that power outlets will not be available at the poster stations, nor will audiovisual or computing equipment be supplied.
Confidentiality of Submissions
Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference, 28 April 2007. Submissions should not contain any information or materials that are proprietary at publication time.
At the Conference
Work-in-Progress Posters will be presented at the Conference Reception on 30 April (Monday) 2007. You will be asked to set up your poster during the day Monday, and will be assigned to stand by your poster for half of the reception. We expect that most conference attendees will visit the posters and interact with presenters during this time.
The posters will be made available for viewing during the rest of the conference; you should post a schedule of which breaks you plan to be available at your poster or of other ways to contact you, so that conference attendees who wish to discuss your poster with you may reach you.
Work-in-Progress Submission Checklist
Well before the submission deadline of 12 January 2007, 5:00 PM (1700) PST:
- Prepare a six-page extended abstract in the Conference Extended Abstracts Publication Format that includes all the appropriate information as outlined above in the Preparing Your Submission section.
- Convert your abstract to a PDF file; name the file lastname_wip.pdf, where lastname is the family name of the contact person. Check that the file is no larger than 4 Mbytes. Test the PDF file to make sure it prints correctly.
- Go to the CHI 2007 Submission web site and follow the instructions to submit the PDF file no later than 12 January 2007 5:00 PM (1700) PST.