Workshops - for Participants
CHI 2007 is offering a variety of workshops for the first two days of the conference (28-29 April, 2007). Workshops are a chance for members of a community with common interests to meet in the context of a focused discussion. You are invited to apply to participate in any of the workshops.
A workshop may be one or two days in length. Workshops typically have 15 to 25 participants. If you are interested in being a workshop participant, you must submit a position paper to the workshop organizers. Position papers are reviewed by the workshop organizers using their own criteria, and workshop organizers decide on the final list of workshop participants.
FAQ and Late-Breaking Information
Please see the following page for the workshops FAQ and any late breaking information:
Applying to Participate in a Workshop
To participate in a workshop:
- Choose a workshop from the list below, and read that workshop's call for participation (CFP).
- Author a position paper (using the guidelines in the workshop's CFP.
- Submit the position paper according to the instructions in the workshop's CFP. (Do not submit a position paper through the CHI website or SIGCHI PCS).)
Position papers for all workshops are due 12 January, 2007.
Each workshop's organizers will review all the position papers submitted to them and decide which papers to accept. Acceptance/rejection notifications will be sent on or about 1 February, 2007.
Publication note: Accepted workshop position papers will not be published directly by the CHI conference or in the ACM Digital Library. However, some workshop organizers may have other publication plans in mind; if so, they will notify their participants of these plans.
Budget planning note: Accepted workshop participants will be required to register for the workshop (estimated to be US$150 for a one day workshop and US$225 for a two day workshop) and for at least one day of the CHI conference.
Workshops Program
Questions about a specific workshop should be sent directly to the workshop's organizer.
Questions about the overall workshops program or workshops in general should be sent to the workshops co-chairs at
Workshops Co-Chairs:
Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University
JJ Cadiz, Microsoft Research, USA
Contact us (if you have questions about workshops in general - for questions regarding a specific workshop, contact that workshop's organizers):
Important Dates:
- 12 January, 2007: Position papers due
- 1 February, 2007: Position paper acceptance/reject notices sent
- 9 April, 2007: Workshop registration deadline