Extended Abstracts Format Instructions
This year CHI is using two different formats for submissions.
Submissions for Contemporary Trends use a landscape style, allowing for better integration of imagery or visual figures.
Download the Template
Click here to download the template in Microsoft Word format. This template should be used for submitting courses, workshops, experience reports, interactivity, interactive sessions, works-in-progress, SIGs, student design competition, and doctoral consortium.
Please see the HCI Archive Conference Proceedings Format for submitting CHI Papers and CHI Notes.
Page Limits
The following extended abstracts have 4 page limits:
- Doctoral Consortium
- HCI overviews
- Panels
- SIGs
- Tutorials
- Workshops
The following extended abstracts have 6 page limits:
- Interactivity
- Experience Reports
- Student Design Competition
- Works-in-Progress
Please note that Extended Abstract submissions do not need to be anonymised. Author names and affiliations can be stated on the submitted document(s).
ACM Classification Keywords
The ACM Classification Keywords are used to organize submissions within ACM, and to allow for ease in finding particular submissions. The category H.5 applies to information interfaces and presentation. The full list of categories for classifying work with a computing component can be found at
Please make submissions via the